ZELTECH-ME Spolka z o.o. (Ltd) has been dealing with commutators production for many years. Commutators (new copper) repairs are also one of our main tasks.
- brush - track diameter 50 ÷ 950 mm
- copper length 15 ÷ 600 mm
- insulation class - F, H
- copper Cu-ETP (normal), CuAg 0,03; CuAg 0,1P
- segments insulation
- remikanit (normal mica)
- inorganic mica
- electrical tests:
- segment - segment: 500V
- segments - ground: 2500V (on request - 5000V)
We manufacture following types of commutators :
- moulded commutators
- commutators with shrinking rings
- with steel sleeve
- without steel sleeve (floating commutators)
- bandaged commutators
- commutators of flat brush - track (flange commutators)
- screwed commutators (with bolts or nut)
- with mica cones
- with cones made of kapton
We deliver 80% of our products to Germany, Belgium and France.